Bachelorette star Josh Seiter calls out LGBTQ community after backlash

“I’ve actually found that the far left and the LGBTQ community have been some of the most vitriolic and mean towards me throughout all of this.” star Josh Seiter (37) has spoken out over the recent backlash after revealing to the world of her transition, with many accusing her of ‘faking’ her transition for attention.

This comes after Seiter’s Instagram account was hacked last summer when her death was falsely announced which some also accused her of ‘faking’ as a publicity stunt.

Since her transition, many have called her out for keeping her facial hair among other attributes, which Seiter addressed while talking with DailyMail earlier this month.

“I’ve had death threats,” Seiter told the outlet.

“People telling me they’re going to hang me, they can’t wait to see me so they can kill me,” she added.

She went on to state that the above threats are “all messages” she has in her DM inbox.

She continued: “I feel like everyone always has an opinion.”

“Usually, it’s bad.”

“Usually, the people voicing the opinion have a horrible opinion,” she added.

“And so, I don’t take life advice from people screaming at me on social media.”

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She continued: “That’s just never how I’ve lived my life.”

“When I was a male stripper, people were saying nasty things about me,” Seiter added.

“When I did OF, people said nasty things about me.”

Seiter went on to reflect on the aforementioned “death hoax” as she recalled people saying “nasty things about” her during that time.

“I just am going to keep living my life understanding there’s always going to be detractors, always going to be haters, but that’s a them problem and not a me problem.”

Although the backlash has been deemed bigoted, Seiter added that she was surprised how the majority of the angry reactions have come from other LGBTQ community members.

She also added that people on the “far left” are also a common group flooding her inbox with angry messages.

“Ironically, I’ve actually found that the far left and the LGBTQ community have been some of the most vitriolic and mean towards me throughout all of this,” she claimed.

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“So that’s a very tough issue for me because I haven’t been met with acceptance, tolerance and open arms like the left loves to preach about,” she added.

Seiter went on to talk about how she would “wear” her “mom’s dresses” when she was “five or six years old,” as well as putting “on her snap-on earings”.

“I knew that I struggled with lots of things,” she said.

“I had to work. I had to meet expectations of family and  and society and everything like that,” she added.

She went on to reveal that since her transition reveal, conservative family members were left shocked with some cutting all ties with her such as her eldest brother.

“I don’t want to cause issues and I know [her eldest brother] doesn’t want to be associated with me.”

Seiter revealed her transition to the world in May after coming to terms with the fact that she no longer wanted to “live a lie.”

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Criticism from some on social media has included mixed feelings about her desire to use women’s public restrooms as well as be treated to dinner on first dates with people.

Despite all and any backlash, however, Seiter advised others to also come out – whether it be trans or gay – as long as it’s something that would improve their mental health.

“If you come out wanting something in return, you’re going to be disappointed because often you’re going to be met how I was met with absolutely nothing but hate in return.”

“But if you’re doing it because doing so helps you and you find it cathartic, then absolutely 100 per cent do it.”

“And don’t worry about if other people understand it, if other people love it or hate it, or if other people aren’t accepting of it – we have one life to live. Do what makes you happy.”

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